Peering with Packet Clearing House

Packet Clearing House (PCH) is the international organization charged with providing operational support and security to critical Internet infrastructure, including Internet exchange points and the core of the domain name system. In the fulfillment of these responsibilities, we operate public looking-glasses and routing data-collection facilities at approximately a third of the world’s public Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). We also operate the world’s largest anycast DNS network, hosting two of the DNS root letters, and more than 400 top-level domains. While the traffic normally generated by each of these services is small, each provides a unique and necessary service to the Internet infrastructure community and their criticality requires that we provision each with sufficient interconnection bandwidth to protect them against distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks. We make our routing tables available to researchers, the operations community, and the public, in real time at our looking glass site, and as a historical archive, either by request or at our archives. In many locations, PCH provides transit to the Quad9.net open recursive resolver system which is a public service with security and privacy features for users wishing to utilize an external high-performance name-resolution platform.

PCH has an open peering policy, meaning that we will happily interconnect with any other network that operates responsibly and in accord with generally-recognized best practices. Specifically:

Reciprocal Peering Requirements for AS42, AS3856, and AS715

PCH will happily interconnect with peers of any size over public peering switch fabrics or over private crossconnects at 10gbps or greater.

To arrange peering with us, please open a ticket by emailing peering@pch.net.

As of March 2025, PCH is available for peering at the following 324 Internet Exchange Points: