BGP Routing Data

Packet Clearing House runs the Internet Routing Topology Archive project since 1997. The project is a research initiative that collects, archives and makes available Internet topology measurements in the form of BGP routing datasets.

Dataset description

PCH operates route collectors at more than 225 Internet Exchange Points around the world. Data from these route collectors is made available publicly for the benefit of the Internet's operational and research communities.

PCH maintains two different, but complementary, datasets from these route collectors:

  1. BGP ROUTES V4 and V6
    This dataset indicates the state of the routing table on PCH route collectors on a daily basis. This snapshot of the RIB is obtained by running the "show ip bgp" command on the route collectors once a day. Note that the state of the routing table will change from moment to moment across the course of a day as a route collector receives new routing announcements from peers.

    This dataset provides the raw stream of BGP updates received by PCH route collectors using the MRT format, as defined in RFC6396. BGP updates are archived in a different file every minute.

Note that the data collected by PCH represents the sum of inter-domain routing announcements received from PCH peers. While we aim at peering with each and every network, this data does not, and cannot, reflect the status of every autonomous system at an IXP.

Bulk download

If you are interested in downloading a large subset of the data, please contact us via info@pch.net to discuss the best approach as bulk downloads can be disruptive to the normal operation of this website.

Name Modified
3 folders
 BGP_ROUTES_V4 2 weeks ago
 BGP_ROUTES_V6 2 weeks ago
 MRT_BGP_UPDATES 2 weeks ago